Legal Processes

There are many legal processes that can help protect a person’s rights, and connect people to mental health care and support services when needed.

For help navigating these processes, call NAMI Chicago’s Helpline at 833-626-4244.


Guardianship is a legal process where a guardian takes on responsibility for helping make decisions for a person with mental, physical or developmental disabilities. To begin the guardianship process, a judge must decide that the person (“ward”) is not able to make responsible decisions for themselves, in all or some areas of their life.

For more information, visit the Guardianship and Advocacy Commission Website, or call them at (866) 274-8023; TTY: 866-333-3362.

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You have the right to make decisions about your health care, both now and in the future. Advance directives are written statements expressing how you would like medical decisions made for you in the future, during times when you may not be able to make those decisions yourself.

Advance directives include mental health treatment preference declarations and healthcare power of attorney.

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It is always best for a person to receive mental health treatment voluntarily.

However, sometimes this may not be possible. In those situations, there are a few options to help a loved one get the mental health treatment they need.

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